
Happy Independence Day

webevintage7/04/2010 11:48:17 am PDT

And the reason I say my son (he’s 18) will be missing a fingertip because this was the bottle rocket conversation the other day.

ME: Jesus, be careful
HIM: I am
ME: Put the damn thing in a bottle or can
HIM: NO I can hold
ME: Oh, for fucks sake (I said this as I walked away muttering to myself how I was not paying for it if he put his eye out and how hard it is for a guy missing an eye and a front tooth to get laid)

He has now shot off a few. I am on the deck. He comes up and turns ways from.
ME: What’s wrong
HIM: Nothing
ME: Bullshit, what did you do
HIM: Nothing (while he rushes into the house and into his bathroom all the while avoiding looking at me)
He came back out after a few min and he has a burn mark on his right eyelid where a piece of the burning paper had landed.

ME: Jesus Joseph and Mary…..I told you you would put your eye out
HIM: I blinked in enough time….