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Kragar5/03/2011 3:23:08 pm PDT

And Bryan Fischer once again can’t resist making himself look like a complete cock-gobbler.

I Welcome the Democrats to The “Support Capital Punishment” Club

They cannot stop congratulating themselves and President Obama for directing the double-tap-to-the-head operation that left Osama bin Laden’s compound covered in blood. The Democrats love it!

The president said, of this execution style slaying, “Justice has been done.” And Democrats gleefully cheer in wholehearted agreement.

They seem oblivious to what they have done here. They have, by the words that have come from their own mouths, applauded the use of the death penalty – by firing squad, no less – as an instrument of justice.

Welcome, welcome, I say to the world of conservative principle. What took you so long?

The Democrats cannot say enough wonderful things about the leadership and resolve of our commander in chief, who also could not say enough wonderful things about our commander in chief in his address to the nation on Sunday night.

Running through the entire thesaurus of first person pronouns – I, me, my, mine – he spoke as if he himself had pulled the trigger. He couldn’t stop talking about how he had made the decision, he had organized the team, he had reviewed the intelligence, he had issued the directive. This operation, he made clear to the Muslim world, was his doing.

What Obama has failed to realize is that he has proudly proclaimed that he is the infidel and Muslim apostate who took out the lion of Islam. Apparently heedless of what he was doing, he has just invited all the vitriol, hatred and animosity of the entire Muslim world down upon his own head.

He had no interest in sharing with President Bush any of the responsibility for Osama getting his head blown off and his body dumped unceremoniously in the deep blue sea. Nope, he was intent on taking 100% of the credit.

Douche Chill