
TX Gov. Perry Signs Abortion Sonogram Guilt Trip Law

makeitstop5/25/2011 10:30:08 am PDT

re: #45 martinsmithy

You have to understand the “pro-lifers,” who are also libertarians. Libertarianism doesn’t condone the criminal act of murder, and such people believe any abortion, at any stage of pregnancy, is murder. So intrusive invasions of a woman’s body with ultrasounds are justified as a way to prevent the crime of murder from occurring, in their minds.

From my view, this particular law is nothing more than rape, meant to intimidate and humiliate a woman who is making one of the most difficult and heart-wrenching decisions of her life.

And it’s funny - in a really demented and pathetic way - that Libertarians talk the talk of individual liberties until those liberties encroach upon their beliefs. Then all bets are off and they step over the line into authoritarianism.

They have no right. The law is clear, and they’re intent upon re-writing the law if they can or skirting it if they can’t re-write it.