
Santorum Booed Again for More Anti-Gay Bigotry

elizajane1/06/2012 2:18:11 pm PST

re: #45 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

Oh, believe it.

A lot of the white prog queers really despise and resent him on the same level as their straight counterparts. They blame us for Prop 8, and him by extension. The gay community still has the same massive social problems they have had in the 23 years I have been in it - in a lot of ways, not much has changed at all.

As a WPQ (love the concept) who’s not at all disenchanted with Obama and will vote for him with pleasure I just want to say — We exist too! Our voices should be heard! My middle daughter still sleeps with her fleecy Obama blanket, and has been known to take it with her to sleepovers in not-totally-progressive territory. (The other kids would vote for him too but are less willing to stick their necks out).