Comment Incites Another Deluge of Misogynist Hate Speech Against Lena Dunham

Eclectic Cyborg1/13/2013 1:34:46 pm PST

Here’s the real messed up part:

It’s Sunday and I’m willing to bet a good number of people posting those comments consider themselves Christians.

I’m also willing to bet that many of these people were in church this morning singing God’s praises (perhaps even on stage in the choir). Heck it’s possible that one or more of these people was giving the MESSAGE this morning.

I’m also willing to be that Jesus himself would be utterly disgusted by this behavior.

I can’t fathom how a person could call themselves Christian and spout garbage like that.

These people need to take a long hard look in the mirror. They’re doing a disservice to the faith and don’t even know it.