
Highly Recommended: Michele Catalano: The March to War and Back

makeitstop3/19/2013 3:40:08 pm PDT

I never bought a bit of what we were being sold, and it made me damned angry to watch just about everyone I knew fall hard for it.

I’ve told this story before. I went to the State Of The Union address in ‘03, where Bush got all scary about Iraq. After it was over, we walked out of the Capitol and there were concrete barriers everywhere, armed servicemen literally every 50 feet, and military choppers hovering all over DC, spotlights sweeping the ground. I looked around and thought that it looked more like a prison camp than the nation’s capitol.

And now that I think about it, that was probably just another part of the sales push. Bush delivers a speech designed to scare Americans, and those who walked out of the Capitol after that speech were given a double scare. I wouldn’t doubt that the scene influenced quite a few Congresspeople.

Snow job.