
Kansas Religious Fanatics Set to Enact Most Restrictive Anti-Abortion Law in US

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/06/2013 12:49:18 pm PDT

re: #53 Gus

That raises an interesting point. Because people will say, “well, English is not the native language because, American Indians.” But as you note there is no single “American Indian language.” That would probably be closer to indigenous languages with emphasis on the plural.

English is the native language of some Americans. For some Americans it is Spanish, Chinese, Laotian, Cree, ESL. For lucky ones, it’s multiple languages.

You’re not born knowing any language so ‘native language’ doesn’t actually make a ton of sense, but it kind of indicates what language your parents speak, since that will be your ‘primary’ language even if you’re fluent in English from going to school or Spanish from hanging out with your honcos.