
IPT: ISNA's Mattson to Speak at Inaugural Prayer Service

Sharmuta1/20/2009 7:44:06 pm PST

re: #578 karmic_inquisitor

FWIW, the true rich (as in billions) are now scared shitless of the wildfire they set. The whole “down on Bush” thing was supposed to get the US out of the offensive warfare business and back in the $$$ business. Murdoch was right there with them having pushed Clinton early.

So they all talked down an economy that was fine and could have taken subprime in stride. Well they have now lost wealth well in excess of 5X the cost of taking losses on all of the subprimes out there.

They (the MSM and the elites) have created a confidence crisis of huge proportions and now they think they can reverse the momentum overnight.

The markets disagree.

One reaps what one sows. I pity them not.