
Eric Holder: 'A Nation of Cowards'

Guanxi882/18/2009 12:10:47 pm PST

What amazes me is that after our intervention in the Great War, then slugging it out with European Fascism and Imperial Japanese brutality, then fighting the NorK’s and ChiComs to a stop in Korea, followed by winning the war (but being robbed of the victory) in Vietnam, struggling against the Evil Empire for nearly 50 years, etc., etc., etc.

all that, and we evidently just hand the keys over to a slick Chicago politician who stepped out of no discernible past and into the White House, where he and his crew promptly begin smashing the place up and making the owners feel like heels while selling out our friends and emboldening our enemies.

Did I miss something, or did we just lose a good chunk of what we gained in the 20th century? Was it all for nothing?