
'Nirth Certifikit' Kooks Get a Write-Up at Politico

Achilles Tang3/01/2009 7:03:51 pm PST

re: #586 Afrocity

Your statement played into every stereotype of black women. Those that describe us as possessing unquestionable moral character, and defined as immoral and sinful, horny. Just as black men are seen as Mandingo types with large penises. You could have got you point across with out the sexual connotations.

Give me a break. You are sounding like the PC people you pretend to want to get away from.

There is a specifically definite problem with black culture in this country and if you want to call it stereotyping you should go to Daily Kos, not here.

I’ve apologized enough to your personal sensitivities already. If you don’t want to be assumed to know more than others in that area, then call yourself AmericanCity. I don’t know what the hell Afro has to do with America anymore.

Have I got your attention now?