
Thank You, Climate Change Deniers

Mark Pennington12/06/2009 11:40:57 am PST

This whole email thing is the most inane ‘scandal’ I’ve ever seen. I can’t believe people are making a big deal out of it. Well actually, I can, I just don’t want to.

I do not understand the whole climate change denial movement. I don’t see how the outcome of this whole thing isn’t a good thing not only for the planet and for society, but for individuals as well. At the end of the day we are going to have to change our lifestyles anyway for so many different reasons, regardless of whether or not global warming is ‘real’. Even setting aside the fact that we are finally crawling out of the smog-filled shadow of the Industrial Revolution (with the societal and technological advances intact), and creating a cleaner life for ourselves; it is so much better for us to sort out the elephant in the room of ENERGY as soon as possible, instead of leaving it until the last possible minute because it is a subject that literally runs down the middle of war and peace. I guess I just do not understand what the people arguing so strongly against anything and everything to do with climate change(climate change deniers.) actually see as the desirable outcome.

Also, why do all the villains always crawl out from wherever they come from at the end of these posts like their mission is to get the last word in? Creepy.