
Obama Speaks 3

avanti2/09/2009 7:16:35 pm PST

re: #593 jwb7605

My (probably unpopular) guess is that the American people will hang on the non-information given tonight, and Obama’s ratings and the popularity of the bill will rise noticeably.
The stock market … who knows? My guess is up after the bill passes.

60 days from now, reality will set in, as the bill gets looked at closely.

For what it’s worth, I’ve advocated centralized medical records for several years. I have a unique set of “issues”. I do not, under any circumstances, advocate government-monitored procedures (or national health care of any sort).

According to today’s CNN poll, his approval rating is much higher then support for the stimulus bill. I thinks he’s trying to move the support for the bill higher.

CNN poll