
Truther Document 'Signatories' Say They Were Misled

Arbalest9/04/2009 2:53:00 pm PDT

re: #589 SixDegrees

True. To my way of thinking, not signing at all, and avoiding such groups is the only solution, and demanding retractions when they transfer or forge signatures is the immediate following action.

If someone e-mails you about a fortune they can get, but need a bank account to transfer it to, do you e-mail your bank account number to them? Will you be surprised if bad things then happen to you?

Jones seems to have been on a Truther committee, about 4 months after 9/11. Did he not know …

We’re descending into trivialities. The big picture is that Jones chose, and now has some cleanup to do. It’s all on him.