
Rush Limbaugh Questions Oil Spill Timing

Bagua4/30/2010 8:00:40 pm PDT

re: #607 windsagio

short answer: Don’t be awful, and you won’t get heckled.

Again, you reserve the right to judge others, constantly and compulsively but you can’t accept any criticism in return. Nonsense, that is denied. What is “awful” is this attempt to silence those you consider evil by a constant stream of annoying comments. It is tiresome.

More-over, your labeling members of this community as “awful” or “the bastards here” and so on, is divisive and chills the atmosphere, just as you no doubt intend.

shorter answer: I know you don’t like me, man.

Again, you try to personalise and turn your opponent into a hater. That is nonsense, I don’t hate you and I don’t hate anyone here. If I didn’t like you I wouldn’t waste my time with you. We are a small community of divergent opinions who like to chat. Lighten up.

Long answer: I think its particularly appropriate to discuss with people who have criticisms, you know without telling them to ‘go piss up a rope’, or calling them race-specific slurs, things like that.

Good straw man, I do neither, nor do the majority of those you target with your constant stream of heckling.

Notice I don’t ask you to piss off, or flounce, or be banned or whatever. I’m happy to accept you as a commenter. You can not, however, expect immunity from any scrutiny if you are going to continue to demonise and harass those you consider “awful”.