
Daredevil #11, 'A Time to Unmask'

Spider Mensch6/02/2010 7:07:50 am PDT

speaking of tadpoles, we had little Spider up at the Delaware water gap natl park for some swimming in the river up thata way, more tadpoles this year than I can remember, I been up there regularly for close to 20 years now. That’s got to be a good sign, frogs are good barometers of the local enviorments.
but what’s weird this year and last is the lighting bug populations. when I was a kid, wouldn’t see the first one until late June and by end of August, they were pretty much gone. Last year I was seeing them in to early October, and over this pass weekend…they’re out already! that has got to have something to do with the climate change. can’t think of another explanation but the warmer weather.