
Thank You, Climate Change Deniers

Indepublicrat12/06/2009 11:52:12 am PST

re: #602 kittysaidwoof

Indepublicrat, I propose that we should try to do things that work in our world not things that require that we advance into a Star Trek universe.

Here are some facts I feel comfortable enough to assert on my personal expertise:

1. Scientists are human
2. Politicians are human
3. Societies are formed of humans

Thanks, Kittysaidwoof.

I truly wasn’t aware that I was living in a Star Trek universe. I suppose that in my universe, all scientists are from Planet Vulcan and are thus always correct and incapable of lying. And all politicians are Klingons, singlemindedly dedicated to plunging themselves into glorious battles to the death. And societies are composed of sexy female humanoids with funny noses or silly ears who need a starship captain to teach them about love and “that thing you humans call kissing.”

It must be nice living in your world, where anyone you disagree with is human and, since humans are imperfect, that means that they are inherently wrong and you are right. Why, I’m half-human myself, on my mother’s side!

BTW I don’t believe in some massive deliberate conspiracy. Its as improbable as those conspiracies 911 truthers come up with. However there doesn’t need to be a massive deliberate conspiracy for there to be significant errors in the current scientific understanding of something as complex as climate change.

I would love for that to be true. It would be great to wake up tomorrow to see a headline about a new breakthrough in climatology that makes global warming go away without any effort or cost. But who’s living in a fantasy world now?

Also I have not said we should do nothing. I am all for discussing what we should do, but it seems that AGW proponents are unwilling to discuss that in depth until AGW has become dogma.

Why don’t we choose to err on the side of caution and take some small efforts now? If we’re wrong, we end up looking silly. But if we’re right, we could nip the problem in the bud while it’s still somewhat manageable and not yet beyond the point of no return.

Gotta go now. The Holodeck’s on the fritz again and we’re under attack by Romulans!