
Video: Debunking Monckton, Part 2

What, me worry?4/17/2010 9:06:17 pm PDT

re: #581 The Shadow Do

You hold a very popular view in the context of the day. This is a view that will be subject to historical review for more years than you or I will be alive I suspect.

Personally I think it is an early though seminal event in the ongoing upheaval in the ME for better or worse. This is a story that will be very long in the unfolding. The forces in play there are much larger than our military actions, larger than a nuclear Iran even. Who knows how this will all shake out? I know that I don’t and I don’t know anyone else that does either.

As for being emasculated in our response to Iran, how do you figure? The one does not necessarily follow the other. New administrations, new and more urgent threats, etc.

Tactically we are most likely capable of setting their program back for years at any time of our choosing.

I see this being placed at the feet of the Israelis. Whether they want it or not! That’s probably where it will end up.

If worse comes to worse, I’d hope it was a joint effort with us and Israel. I can see it shaking out that way. I think there are a lot of inbetweens, however, like bombing their reactors in some way… like in Iraq in 1981.