
Gingrich Blows the Dog Whistle Loud and Clear

Lidane4/09/2010 9:22:41 am PDT

re: #599 Aceofwhat?

If they hadn’t already coined the term themselves, i’d say you absolutely had a point.

Yeah, this. They chose the name for themselves and used it first. It wasn’t until the sexual meaning of the word teabagging was explained to them that they started whining, but by then it was too late.

Credit to SFZ, who said a few days ago “if some lefty group called themselves donkey-punchers and only later realized what they had done, I’d trip over myself to mock them”.

SFZ’s not the only one. I’d mock anyone ruthlessly, left or right, if they did something that stupid. It just so happens that the teabaggers DID do something that stupid. They claimed the mantle for themselves without finding out what it meant first.