
CPAC Live Video 1

lobo912/26/2009 8:49:16 pm PST

re: #588 Dr. Shalit

John Adams -

Want 100% Employment except for invalids? Easy to do! - Team 1 Digs Holes, when they are done, Team 2 goes in - To Fill Them Up. 100% Able Bodied Employment - and so on.
Does this produce any “WEALTH?” - Hell NO. Only keeps people busy. People being “busy” is a good thing. People being busy creating wealth for themselves and their families is Even Better.


Taking money from one group of people so you can give it to another group of peole doesn’t create any wealth, either. If I make $100, and the government takes $50 of it from me and gives it to you to pay you for saving mice in California, how much money do the two of us have to spend? $100, by my count, the same as what I had in the first place.