
Bloomberg on Anti-Mosque Movement: 'Unfair and Un-American'

Dark_Falcon8/24/2010 9:32:25 pm PDT

re: #603 elbruce

It didn’t get to where it had been until the war, but it was steadily recovering throughout, except for a small dip in ‘37 when FDR was convinced to try to balance the budget. Checkit:


Not entirely. That dip wasn’t that small and it was in some ways caused by FDR’s attempting too much influence in the economy. It’s true that between the recession and the Supreme Court striking down some of his programs he got the message, but had it not been for the outbreak of World War 2 that dip would likely have gotten FDR the gate in 1940. As it was, the public did see that FDR had the experience to handle the international political and miltary situation and (correctly, IMO) reelected him.