
An Open Letter to the Republican Party

ladycatnip5/05/2009 5:49:03 pm PDT

Just read it, but think the shotgun effect is a little over-used. I can’t remember the GOP ever making masturbation, contraception or pre-marital sex a campaign issue - but then I’m from California. The writer throws in pornography - why is that on the list? Never heard that as a campaign issue either, but as a Christian conservative, would definitely not want a candidate that has no problem with porn sites on library computers where children study, or looks the other way regarding child-porn distribution. Do I believe in sex police? No - just protect our children.

Biological research must be the new name for stem-cell research which can be an issue for some. I personally have difficulty with pluripotent stem cell lines from aborted babies, but there are several other lines being researched along side embryonic stem cells - IPSC’s using adult stem cells have been successful. Basically, the research is going on in spite of the rhetoric on both sides; the science is promising, but as yet no breakthrough discoveries have appeared. I say move forward with sensitivity.

I would also caution against marginalizing Christians - we are not Puritanical, self-righteous meglomanics wanting to force our faith on the general population. Only some are doing that, but are not representative at all of mainstream Christianity.

All in all, it seems there are too many issues in this article - the only ones I agree with would be to not allow partial birth abortions - which are barbaric by any standards - to keep science in the classroom and faith in the churches, and do not redefine marriage, but have civil unions with full benefits afforded to same sex partners.