
Tom Petty Tells Michele Bachmann to Knock It Off

NJDhockeyfan6/29/2011 9:27:03 am PDT

FBI Raids Iowa Woman’s Home in Lulz Security Hacker Investigation

The hacking group Lulz Security ended its 50-day reign of terror this weekend, but law enforcement’s hunt for its members will go on. Last week, FBI agents raided an Iowa woman’s home because of her connections to the group.

At about 11 am last Thursday, 29-year-old Laurelai Bailey heard a knock at her Davenport, Iowa home. She found around eight FBI agents swarming at her doorstep, search warrant in hand. But the agents politely “told me they weren’t there to arrest me,” Bailey tells us in an interview.

Instead, they had some questions about hackers Bailey had been hanging out with online. They told Bailey they were investigating a February attack against the security firm HBGary by an elite group of hackers associated with the hacktivist collective Anonymous. Those hackers would later break away from Anonymous to form Lulz Security, who attacked the FBI, PBS, and the CIA in a well-publicized spree before calling it quits this weekend amid increasing pressure and the arrest of a purported member in England.


‘Anonymous’ hackers declare war on Orlando

The hacker group Anonymous on Monday declared war against the city of Orlando, Florida, over the arrest of people handing out food to homeless people, according to a report in The Washington Post.

In a press release, the group announced the creation of “Operation Orlando” over the city’s treatment of the Food Not Bombs group.

The Orlando Sentinel reported that what started as a spat over distributing food without a permit in a park had escalated, with Mayor Buddy Dyer describing the activists charged with the misdemeanor offense as “food terrorists.”