
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

freedom_fighter2/27/2009 3:35:23 pm PST

re: #612 Salamantis

Jihadis would argue that Christians do evil by merely rejecting Islam, and Muslims do good by following the Quranic call to jihad, by employing the selfsame arguments that you do, only from the perspective of embracing their religion instead of yours.

Let us assume that this is the case. Then one should ask, well which religion is correct (as both cannot be). Muslims believe what they do based on Muhammed saying an angel revealed to him the Koran and he wrote it down. Were there miracles he performed - none besides the “writing” of the Koran. Were there independent witnesses to these revelations - no. How was early Islam spread - through the sword.

As far as Christianity, you have multiple (over 500) witnesses to the resurrection of Christ, the performing of miracles, and a faith spread by willing converts under fear of persecution. Of course this is a very short case for Christianity but instead of arguing which faith is right or wrong, perhaps we argue from a standpoint of which is true and follow that one. That is what I think intellectual honesty will lead one to anyway. I must go, thanks for the debate.