
Hannity's Scaremonger of the Day

soccerdad2/17/2009 6:36:16 am PST

“the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” “politics makes strange bedfellows”

Be ‘pure’ all you want Charles, and distance yourself from anyone who is remotely a “fill-in-the-blank-phobe”. That is good.

But guess what? I know I do not have to tell you this, but Islam IS dangerous and some of them ARE trying to kill us.

Before you jettison and throw everyone that is not completely in lock step with your thought process under the bus as a “blank-phobe” and a crackpot, keep in mind that everyone needs allies.

LGF is a great place and I love coming here, I just find myself doing a lot of soul searching this week. Many of the people I had admired, (perhaps without FULLY knowing all the things you brought out about them this week - hance the soul searching) are being trashed and thrown under the bus here. wow…first Fijordman…then Spencer…then Coulter…then Hannity… You are rocking my world.