
Overnight Open Thread

_RememberTonyC5/02/2009 8:47:20 am PDT

re: #578 realwest

ROTFL! No I’ve developed an admittedly limited e-mail relationship with Michael Steele and have to say he’s REALLY FOCUSED on the 2010 elections. I sent him one of Charles threads about the Texas Creationsists/School boards (well a quick summary and a link) and he said pretty much to me what he said in the quote from the Chicago Tribune - We have to own up to our responsibilities for financial irresponsibility and need to stop being one issue voters.
Course, we’ve only exchanged about 4 e-mails, one of which was a form e-mail response from him, but I think he really does understand what’s going on with the GOP and how much we need to get back to INDIVIDUAL resposibility, stop most forms of corporate welfare and basically go smaller governments are better than bigger governments route( the pural on governments was cause I was bitching and moaning - politely! - about whatever the Fed deosn’t take away from us the States tend to take away and that is certainly true in the matter of individual rights and liberty).

That’s great to hear. Is there a direct email address that he can be reached at? I like Steele and I am a right of center Independent with a pretty good understanding of the issues that might peel off some of my friends and family who vote Democratic by habit.