
Breaking: House Passes Health Care Bill

borgcube11/07/2009 10:14:47 pm PST

re: #513 webevintage

Oh wah wah wah. You can thank the same folks that brought you the great minimum wage laws that forced you to rely upon tips. Funny how that works isn’t it? Just think, every single restaurant and bar in town pays the minimum wage for the most part. Suckers.

Anyway, maybe, just maybe, the pizza dude would come to realize what “free healthcare” really is and thank those who now are paying a lot more than just a lousy little tip on his behalf. Wishful thinking on my part. He’ll probably now start looking at pizza delivery as a long term career choice and demand that he gets paid enough to support his family of four. And a subsidized house. And childcare. And car. And food. And and and…