
Assange Arrest Imminent

Fozzie Bear12/03/2010 12:07:24 pm PST

re: #616 Obdicut

I’m not speaking to the situation with Assange, however:

It is very easy to allege rape, and very hard to prove. Whether it is proven or not, the allegation destroys lives, and careers.

I work at a criminal defense firm, and some of the cases we defend are rape cases. Of course, many of them are clearly guilty, but about half of the cases we defend end up being sour grapes. It’s sad that some women feel the need to use rape allegations as a weapon against men they don’t like, but it happens a LOT. It delegitimizes legitimate allegations over time, as the courts become more cynical regarding rape allegations, and causes real tangible hard to actual rape victims.

Once again, I have no idea about this specific case. I am speaking from experience at my work, with a sample size of about 20. this doesn’t count as data, I know.