
An Idea Whose Time Has Come: The Late Show's Uninformed Correspondent

Joe Bacon ✅7/15/2018 10:24:38 am PDT

re: #614 Romantic Heretic

That is their hope. It will cull the weak.

Of course none of them are weak.

Grandma Bacon worked for the Navy Department under FDR (Wilson’s assistant Secretary of the Navy). She told me of the terror that struck with the 1918 epidemic. People were dropping dead all over the place, mortuaries were overflowing so other public buildings were converted into temporary morgues. She was required to wear a surgical mask all the time at work. The minute anyone had coughing spasms they were isolated. Grandma was so scared when she had to go into the isolation room with coffee and tea for them and several of the isolated coworkers were dead.

She thinks she survived because she had the flu the previous year and was bedridden for several weeks. When I got the flu during the 1984 epidemic I was in and out of the hospital several times. Grandma was worried sick and she wouldn’t leave my side. It retriggered all those nightmares she had.