
Americans Fear Hackers More Than the Government Over Online Privacy

Backwoods Sleuth9/05/2013 12:02:28 pm PDT

oh, good freakin grief…

A Republican candidate for Texas attorney general told an anti-abortion group last week that China’s so-called one child policy could unleash a plague on the country similar to the one described in the Bible.

“Attempts at genocide, like pharaoh’s, do not go without inevitable ‘reckoning.’ In the case of the Egyptians, all their first-born, including pharaoh’s son, were killed, and once mighty Egypt became merely a footnote in human history and a place where we used to visit (but not anymore since the ‘Arab spring’) the pyramids,” Smitherman said. “In the case of China’s one child policy, we have a modern-day example of what happens when a society does not honor ‘life.’ And like what happened to the Egyptians under pharaoh, this too, I predict, will end badly for the Chinese.”

Barry Smitherman, Texas Attorney General Candidate, Says Abortion Will Bring Divine ‘Reckoning’