
Birther and Rush Limbaugh Fan Threatens the President, Gets Arrested

Mattand11/24/2013 12:26:02 pm PST

re: #58 Lidane

Read this story carefully and try and figure out what’s missing. Once you’ve done that, then look at the comments:

Prison Justice: 23-Yr-Old Pedophile Gutted by Inmates After Bragging About His Crimes

Also, this site has almost 500K likes on Facebook. I weep for this country.

What stood out for me is the lack of any hard info; names, locations, links to another article about the “story”.

My SIL sent around some argle barge about a young woman who was 5 months pregnant with supposedly healthy twins, and had an abortion just because she could.

3 minutes of Googlng turned up the same story at places like WND and other nutjob sites. Once people hear a story that fits their narrative, facts can go pound sand.