
After the Right Wing Media Machine Screams "Sterling Is a Democrat," He Turns Out to Be a Republican

Hal_100004/28/2014 11:43:23 am PDT

re: #42 Charles Johnson

I don’t think Sterling’s nonsense has anything to do with Democrats. He made two donations a long time ago. Even if he was a full-fledged Democrat, a big-time bundler and a huge campaign contributor, I don’t think it would mean anything. People are complicated. I remember when Marge Schott would spew her racist garbage, her defenders would point out (truthfully) that she could be enormously kind to people and donated a lot to charity. Sterling could be a racist but still be supporting the “right” side politically.

I’m just savoring the irony of this kind of reaction when every racist nut who comes along and has a Ron Paul sticker it touted as an example of what Republicans “really” think.