
Family Values, Duggar Style: Jim Bob Duggar Didn't Report Son Josh's Alleged Sex Offenses for More Than a Year

lawhawk5/21/2015 6:22:30 pm PDT

So, has TLC decided to close up shop on the endless parade of lifeless packaging that they claim to be reality tv, but is nothing of the sort? No? Seems like they keep running these shows out there.

It’s cheap programming filler and has attracted a following for whatever reason - because some people just can’t help watch train wrecks, or think that this is funny or insightful or that there’s nothing better on tv. I just don’t know.

But one has to wonder just what the network knew and when they knew it, if all this was going on. You’d think they’d do their due diligence, especially with other issues with reality tv shows and all manner of criminality or improper behavior. There was another couple of shows of recent vintage that also ended over sexual molestation: that show with Honey Boo Boo and Sons of Guns.