
Sunday Night Jam: John Mayer Live, "All Along the Watchtower"

palomino9/13/2015 6:08:31 pm PDT

re: #58 Targetpractice

I think it’s what drives me up the wall so much about Sanders supporters. A wingnut showed me an article whose title (paraphrased) was “How Trump and Sanders supporters are alike,” to which my first thought upon seeing the title was “They both have absolutely no connection to reality.” I remember all too well how Howie Dean got most of his supporters from playing the “angry progressive” card, fans screaming “If you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention!”

Then I remember how Dean’s candidacy collapsed in less than a month when all those “angry” morons couldn’t be bothered to actually show up, while those that did didn’t want a loony in the White House. I think we’re going to see much the same thing happen with Sanders.

Conflating Sanders and Trump is a huuuuge mistake. One guy is very liberal but actually serious about policy…and he’s not a fucking asshole. The other guy only gives a shit about his brand, and he’s the world’s biggest fucking asshole.

One campaign is serious but probably doomed, the other is a form of postmodern performance art, a reality TV joke.