
Thursday Night Jam: Becca Stevens Band, "Imperfect Animals"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus1/21/2016 9:39:30 pm PST

The level of cognitive dissonance is massive, over in wingnut land.

Take this comment for example, on that brief article where NRO announces they have been disinvited from the GOP debate:

Solid_Facts • 14 minutes ago
It’s so sad to see NR going down this way. It was once a main-stay for conservative news. Now they are only a main-stay for the RINO Establishment. NR probably just didn’t get the memo from Priebus, before writing their editorial. […]

Um… wait. In the very article that says said RINO establishment has disinvited NRO, this commenter concludes that NRO are now the “main-stay” of said RINO establishment.

Something just doesn’t jive.

And this is one of the least trouble-minded of the comments over there.