
Saturday Jam: Randy Newman Talks About the Inspiration for "Losing You"

Aye Pod4/09/2016 8:42:31 pm PDT

Got the insomnia tonight, taking it out on some Bernie bros on the Guardian.

Bernie Bro:

if the democrats want liberals to vote for them, they need to run actual democrats and not dinos like clinton.


Hillary has been fighting the liberal case for decades, as an actual member of the actual democratic party. Sanders is the ultimate ‘dino’, - ‘democrat in name only’ if you want to start using that term - although I’d advise against it because it’s yet another instance of Bernie bros appropriating the recent, failed tactics of the conservative right, with their insane teabagger purity tests and talk of ‘rinos’.

Yeah seriously dude, a bit rich to be trying to lecture people about ‘dinos’ while supporting some guy who only became a Democrat at the last minute to run as one in the election.

Btw most liberals I know arent too fond of the NRA, certainly nowhere near as much as Bernie appears to be, so again not sure how Bernie would survive any liberal purity test you might want to concoct.