
The Bob & Chez Show: The Golden Turd

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷11/29/2016 5:36:23 pm PST

re: #31 HappyWarrior

Cruz was being his usual weasel self when asked about the flag burning remarks. The usual about disrespecting our military. Yeah but that’s not the question Ted. Should people who do it be punished with prison and lose their citizenship but I guess political courage is easy when you’re just running against Obama.

The flag does not represent the military or veterans. As a veteran, I despise it when someone says: Disrespecting the flag is disrespecting our veterans!!eleventy1!1!22!uno!!1!

The flag represents the ideals that the USA stands for, as enshrined in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, and of all those people who have gone before us for the last 240 years to try and make this a place that upholds the ideals of the Preamble of the Constitution.

Disrespecting veterans is sabotaging the VA. Disrespecting the military is sabotaging the ideals for which the military has stood and oftimes given health or lives to defend (even if that defence was not always put to the right use or combat was for the wrong reasons). Disrespect of both is to denigrate what the purpose of our service was for.

I affirmed I would uphold and defend the Constitution (both in the military and in civilian government) against enemies foreign and domestic, not the flag. If we abolished the flag tomorrow that would not change one iota of my affirmation.

I am tired of wingnuts and conservative politicians telling me who is not respecting me. I can figure that out for myself, thanks.