
A Beautifully FIlmed Live Performance by Laura Marling: "Wild Fire"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷5/06/2017 8:39:07 pm PDT

British comedian Stephen Fry faces blasphemy charges in Ireland.

The charge carries a €25,000 fine.

Police in the Republic of Ireland have launched an investigation after a viewer claimed comments made by Stephen Fry on a TV show were blasphemous.

Officers are understood to be examining whether the British comedian committed a criminal offence under the Defamation Act when he appeared on RTE in 2015.

Fry had asked why he should “respect a capricious, mean-minded, stupid god who creates a world…. full of injustice”.

He later said he was not “offensive towards any particular religion”.

According to a report in the Irish Independent newspaper, no publicised cases of blasphemy have been brought before the courts since the law was introduced in 2009 and a source said it was “highly unlikely” that a prosecution against Fry would take place.

(more at the BBC)