
An Excellent Sci-Fi Short: A Phone Call to the Past: "The Give and Take"

TedStriker1/13/2019 2:23:24 pm PST

re: #59 Anymouse 🌹

I’m not on Twitter, but I’ve gotten the same in on-line fora.

I never got a dime of “free stuff” (unless you call VA disability “free stuff,” then I get either “that’s different” or “you’re a liar, liberals don’t join the military.”

Just like with gun ownership in this country, wingnuts just can’t fathom that “liberals” would join the armed forces of their own volition. I’d posit that more “liberals” that join the military do so for more altruistic reasons, such as (a genuine) love of country and a sense of public service, than do “conservatives”, who I would tend to believe do so mainly to kill people and break stuff.