
A Christmas Classic: Tom Waits, Silent Night & Christmas Card From a Hooker in Minneapolis

austin_blue12/25/2020 11:35:38 am PST


CL’d (May Peace Be Upon Her)

re: #246 TedStriker

When I heard that characteristic WHOMP that I’d heard so many times on MythBusters (particularly when they blew up the concrete truck), I thought the same was likely, but, while it looks bad from the pics and video so far, the damage doesn’t seem to line up with that possibility, unless the bomb was botched.

If it were a proper ANFO bomb, Second Ave would look like the remains of the Murrah building.

Exactly. This was a show attack. A countdown broadcast on a PA for 15 minutes?

If you want to kill people, you don’t start yelling “Run away! I’m a bomb!”

This reminds of IRA attacks during the Troubles more than a Taliban car bomb. They called them in, or tried to, most of the time.