
Seth Meyers: Republicans Try to Dismiss Trump's Second Impeachment Trial

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/27/2021 10:33:42 pm PST

re: #56 Targetpractice

This is about the best thread I’ve seen so far to explain the situation:

Basically, a bunch of hedge fund assholes have overleveraged themselves majorly out of pure greed, with some rumors that this was a coordinated effort to drive the company’s value down just so that one of those funds could buy it up for cheap (aka “vulture capitalism”). Those hedge funds got found out, they’ve been played at their own game, and now they’re crying foul and are trying to scare the government into bailing their asses out.

Know Your Meme has the history of what’s been going on since 2019, when the Game Stop buying started (when the shares were less than one dollar).

Their description pretty much covers everything that’s happened.

Srs Bsns: Everything You Need To Know About How A Community Of Redditors Caused GameStop Stock To Surge And Made Millions