
Seth Meyers: Trump Glitches, Gets Ronny Jackson's Name Wrong While Bragging About Cognitive Test

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/18/2024 3:12:54 am PDT

re: #61 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

The ban is right there in the Bible:

Philippians 3:2: “Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.”

wasn’t Bush’s AG John Ashcroft a Fundamentalist who had some “Biblical” aversion to dogs?

This is not the first time churches have kicked out people with service dogs.

In the case of this church, they claimed that loud music and flashing lights might startle the dog, the dog might make a mess in the church, and people might be scared of the dog or allergic to it.

The ADA specifically prohibits those excuses. However, the Act has a specific carve-out for churches because we are a secular nation and never write religious exemption into the law /s. They did not have to give any reason at all (but they had to Lie for Jesus since service dogs are trained for those things).

Although it seems a cold way to describe it, service animals are considered medical equipment. A church kicking out a blind woman with a service dog would be the same as if they kicked out a woman using a wheelchair.

On top of that, there are people who are selfish, and for some perceived advantage will take a pet and dress it up in service animal clothing. By taking advantage of the commons for selfish reasons they make things more difficult for people who actually need a service animal.