
CNN's Staged Video Update: Let's See the Uncut Footage

wrenchwench1/10/2009 5:31:34 pm PST

re: #41 MJ


Peter Arnett worked for them.

Are these the people responsible for the phony Jenin Massacre?

“It exposed the real casualty figures in Jenin…”
From their website:


From that link:

WORLD NEWS & FEATURES cannot be branded either as left-wing or right- wing, nor is it pro or anti any side in a conflict: it is just dedicated to finding out as much as can be uncovered. It is “pro” telling it as it is.
WORLD NEWS & FEATURES - Making a WORLD of Difference!

Anytime they brag about making a difference, you know they are pro- or anti- something. How dumb do they think everybody else is?