
And Now, the Blame Game

CapeCoddah1/20/2010 8:36:33 am PST

re: #26 cliffster

There are 2.4 trillion reasons why Coakley democrats lost the Massachusetts special election.

Fixed that for #36 webevintage

Yes, and it is bankrupting the state. We have seen our health care premiums skyrocket, and hospitals not being paid enough to keep them running properly. WE KNOW IT DOES NOT WORK. We don’t want it either, and maybe you should listen more closely to the folks who have had this forced upon them. We are the only ones with experience with it. Nice try. You sound bitter, but trust me, you would be a HELL of a lot more bitter had this NOT happened, in the long run. We just saved you and the rest of the country from yourselves.