
Video: Israel and Lebanon Battle Over a Tree

researchok8/03/2010 1:41:00 pm PDT

re: #26 Fozzie Bear

This really is truly ridiculous. All this crap, over a tree-trimming.

Of course, it’s not at all about a tree-trimming. It’s about making sure no substantive talks take place regarding the future of the Palestinian people, imo.

Nothing in the M.E. makes a lick of sense.

It makes a lot of sense.

Neither the Arabs or the Israeli left want a deal brokered by Netanyahu.

The Arabs believe they will extract extract less from a right wing Israeli PM. Further, a deal with Netanyahu will mean a committment to no violence- something the Palestinians are loathe to do.

The Israeli left will be regarded even less than they are now if Netanyahu is the one who cuts the deal because that deal will have been made without the appeasement priented Israeli left.

Middle East politics is a dirty, dirty business.