
Crack in the Far Right World

Dark_Falcon8/21/2010 7:11:53 pm PDT

re: #48 Killgore Trout

I looked into solar panels again today. The technology isn’t even close to being reasonable for the home owner yet. Takes about 20 years to pay for themselves and only have a 25 year life span. Bummer.

Fuel Cells seem a better idea for places that are often cloudy or rainy. The Army is also rebuilding a pair of older M1A1 to test the use of Fuel cells in tanks. Naturally, the rebuild will also give them the newest fire control systems. Hopefully, it works well. If we could power our M1’s that way, the Army would save on fuel costs and the operational ranges of ourt anks would be increased. It would also mean less CO2 getting pumped into the atmosphere, which would be a very good thing.