
Tea Partiers Beware: Stay Away From the Green and Yellow Lines

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/23/2010 10:52:58 am PDT

re: #40 Obdicut

I stopped to get gas with a friend in a bad part of Oakland, and immediately two different guys tried to run scams on us. We were just actively hostile and holding tire irons, so that’s as far as it went.

There definitely are parts of DC you don’t want to be in on your own, especially at night. But they don’t involve the entire green and yellow lines. The yellow line goes by the pentagon and at least one airport. The green line goes by some university.

You definitely do not want to be in SE DC. It is a gang ridden hell hole.

The fact that every major American city has such districts offends me to no end. It truly would not cost that much of our national budget to send in more, and properly trained and equipped police, coupled with public works projects to beautify the area, small loans to start micro economies and most importantly, better schools and after school events to keep the children occupied and give them a sense of a hopeful future.

Well it would cost vastly less than our massive prison system and the woe caused to the victims of crimes.

But, that would be ascribing morality and non racist attitudes to our spending. The idea of giving inner city people a chance to no longer be part of an entrenched underclass - and then G-d forbid have them be active educated voters, is simply too much for lily white Americans (and particularly Republicans) to bear.