
Discovery Gunman: Just Nuts

Cato the Elder9/01/2010 3:24:45 pm PDT

re: #51 LudwigVanQuixote

Since from your comments on the last thread you are clearly pointing this shit at me, I will repost my response.

Do you think I am spinning him? Cato? Is there a reason you are picking a fight?

I said he seems to be a far left libertarian of the LaRouche variety with certain views from all over the map. If you missed that then, you can see it clearly here now.

I went on to point out that he had a number of far right views as well. Then again with the far left and the far right, that far into the realm of crazy, it is very difficult to tell. Is his isolationism coming from the left or the right? What of his hatred of immigrants? I don’t know. It also does not matter.

I also pointed out that as in all cases of the far left whackaddoodles that come up here, they are isolated whackjobs. However, the right wing nuts have a 24/7 national media campaign firing them up. Care to discuss which is more dangerous, or do you care to get cranky and spout off some more?

What is your major malfunction?

I’m amused at the frantic attempt to preemptively spin this guy away from his roots, which are plainly deep in the soil of far-left eco-fascism.

I’ve read what’s available of his screeds, so far, and they’re full of eco-fascist, far-left memes, filtered through the mind of a crazy person.

It is what it is.