
Michael Steele Weighs In On Rick Perry's N-Word Ranch

CuriousLurker10/03/2011 4:32:32 pm PDT

I’m with Steele. You remove it, to hell with who it belongs to, it’s a freaking rock. Even if it’s a boulder, you call a couple of people and have them help you turn it over so the words are completely hidden. I mean this is farm & ranch country, right? It’s not like there aren’t a bunch of guys with pick-up trucks and/or other heavy machinery around that could be used to turn it over.

Oh yeah, and if 3 guys can wrap a heavy-duty logging chain around the ankles of an adult black man and drag him to his death, then I think a couple of ranchers can manage to move or turn over a heavy rock.

I’m not in a good mood today, and this stuff isn’t making it better.