
Michelle Goldberg: OWS is Not Antisemitic, But Kooks Need to Be Shunned

Talking Point Detective10/18/2011 11:21:36 am PDT

re: #52 SanFranciscoZionist

BTW - based on what I’ve seen about people involved in the OWS movement, there were likely other members of the Occupy Atlanta group that have connections to the civil rights movement. To suggest that Lewis was the only person there who might have had valuable insight from that movement to lend to the OWS movement is probably counterfactual.

The object to him speaking - on the basis of “equality,” was probably, IMO - related to the fact that Lewis is a politician, and should not be accorded special rights within the group based on that attribute. Saying that a significant % of the people in the group didn’t respect his insight gained from civil rights activism seems highly unlikely to me (again, as evidenced by the cheering when Lewis’ name and accomplishments were mentioned).