
Herman Cain Harassment Victim's News Conference

garhighway11/04/2011 1:01:19 pm PDT

re: #50 kirkspencer

On the other hand, it doesn’t seem to matter. As a lot of people (myself being one) said back when this first started: the people who’ll get upset wouldn’t have voted for him anyway, and the people who’d vote for him won’t care about this.

In a lot of ways this is looks like a pressure valve. Say, just as a hypothetical, Cain wins the nomination. At that point, for the general election, this thing matters. However, anyone bringing it up gets the response, “It’s old news.”

This has been more illuminating regarding the lack of professionalism of the Cain organization (if you can even use those two words together) than anything else. It’s amateur hour with him and the smoking guy.